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Lindy Choreo Lindy choreography in 12-bar blues

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Taught on Lindy Advanced course during last 2 classes.

Demo Lindy "Switch" course last class demo

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Including swivels, rondes, frankie six, and nifty swing out switch.

Lindy Hop Swivels and rondes

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Exercices for lindy you can do on your own to practice swivels and ronde footwork variation.

Solo Lindy Lindy Styling and Technique class 04-23-2021

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Feeling the 'and', plus some slide variations for your triple basic.

Lindy Hop Swivels

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Some swivel secrets revealed! Exercices and tips. P.S. Leaders can swivel as well as followers.

Slow Lindy Extending moves

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Presenting an idea to extend moves by adding some extra steps. Taught on Slow Swing/Lindy course.

Lindy Hop Rock 'n go recap

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Rock and go is essentially a triple step that acts as a rock step. Pretty useful variation that can add lots of new dynamics in your dance.

Charleston 12-bar Charleston sequence

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A 12-bar charleston sequence that works well for solo dancing or with a partner.

Solo Lindy Lindy Styling and Technique class 04-09-2021

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Shim Sham variations, rhythms, and swing outs.

Demo Playing with Lindy Circle

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Changing the direction of the circle midway and creating a few variations from it. Taught on Slow Swing course.

Lindy Charleston Transitions to and between hand-to-hand and airplanes

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A few transitions for Lindy Charleston taught on Lindy Advanced course.

Lindy / Solo exercices A few triple step variations

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Including sweep, cross triples and mixing charleston steps into triples.

Slow Swing / Lindy Hop Sugar pushes and talking about and

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Sugar pushes with different shapes, and falling into crossing triples.

Lindy / Charleston Adding extra spins to basic Lindy Charleston shapes

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Going thru some of the basic shapes and moves of the Lindy Charleston and adding an extra spin in them.

Lindy Hop Frankie six variations

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A few ideas how to add variations to the classic Frankie six sequence.

Lindy Advanced Rhythms in your basic dancing

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Talking about importance of having richness of rhythms in your dancing. Including a few examples of implementing rhythms of the music in your basic dancing.

Classic moves Frankie six sequence

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Frankie sixes are classic sequence of six count moves named after lindy hopper Frankie Manning.

Lindy Improvers / Intermediate Little Lindy charleston choreo

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A short choreo we learned during the class on Improvers/Intermediate course.

Lindy Advanced course Advanced barrel rolls

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A few advanced barrel roll variations with couple of secret tips.

Basic step exercises Lindy Hop basic steps and variations

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In this video we go over our Lindy basic steps and some of its basic variations like kick ball change and swivels.